Thursday, December 24, 2009

Confused on sexuality?

I've been bouncing back and forth between bisexual and lesbian and sometimes, I'm like "Woahhh, she's HOT." Like physical attraction, you know? And there's this really hot girl and I decided to try to talk to her through myspace and while I waited for her reply, I started to get this bad feeling inside of me. It feels HARD, a hard rocky feeling (in my chest/kinda in my tummy). She finally commented back and my pictures too. I was like "Yess" but that feeling is there, hardcore.... It's not nervousness, really. I did feel it a little, but it's just something hard and stiff inside. Is that instinct and gut feeling? Anxiety? What is that feeling?? (Don't think wrong, it's immature.)

Oh and.. I got an answer saying there is a difference between being physically attracted to the same sex as to being in a relationship with them... can I get an explanation?

Confused on sexuality?

what are you doing next Saturday? I'll fix ya!

Confused on sexuality?

Whats wrong with being heterosexual. I am.

Confused on sexuality?

y don't u just go strait?? that's the best way to go and being gay is GROSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Confused on sexuality?

i think you should talk to frank...

Confused on sexuality?

it is perfectily normal to swith between lesbian and bi

i really dont know what your felling was though

Confused on sexuality?

i really dont know how to answer that one, just do what you wanna do i guess

Confused on sexuality?

Drink a little wine and go with the flow !!

Confused on sexuality?

i have the same problem.

i am physically attracted to girls, the same as guys too.

i think i could be bi...but i dont know how to tell.

if u get a good answer, could u message me please?

Confused on sexuality?

You feel something hard? I'm not sure what you mean. Are you afraid of rejection? Sounds like anxiety or something. My advise to you would to just relax and play the field a little bit, don't take things so seriously, see what happens...easy does it.

Confused on sexuality?

I agree with R A. I'm heterosexual and nothing but.

You aren't born homo, you make yourself be that way. It's sick. . .really.

If you don't want to be stared at for the rest of your life, I suggest you change it. Now would be a good time.

Confused on sexuality?

You sound just like one of my good friends she recently has been going through that bisexual or lesbian thing where she doesnt know which she is. She is just letting everything play out and just kind of going with it is the best way to say it. As for the feeling i get that sometimes as well and it can last for days, i always thought it was a guilty feeling but recently i have gotten it at random times, i think for me at least it is just a warning signal of 'be careful and think things through'

Good Luck!

Confused on sexuality?

You could be bisexual (attracted to both sexes). You don't always have to like guys and guys don't always have to like girls. It's just the way you are, nothing can change that. I think you probably like that girl, I did that to this guy before and and I feel like that whenever we talk! And to the last part, maybe you just like checking them out if they are pretty so you can look like them? Ok, sorry I don't know what that answer could have possibly ment.

Confused on sexuality?

be strait. no need to be confused.

Confused on sexuality?

Its OK Mel you got the attention you wanted.

Confused on sexuality?

I wouldn't worry about labeling yourself. I feel similar to you, I consider myself straight but then sometimes I'll have strong feelings for another girl. I gave up trying to figure out if I'm straight or slightly bi-sexual.

Its normal to feel attraction for different people. You might be predominately lesbian, but there are certain features in males that you are attracted to as well -- just a feature you don't find in as many men.

Its easy to be sexually attracted to someone and not want to date them and vise versa. We often look for features in someone that makes us sexual attracted and yet want completely different features in someone we date. Someone we just are attracted to usually has wonderful physical features that we like. Someone we want to date often has other features such as great personality, friendship appeal and similar interests.

Hope that helped.

The feelings you are talking about with the girl is just normal anxiety you feel when you are attracted to someone and want them to respond well.

Confused on sexuality?

maybe u dont really wanna be with a girl or something, idk thats what it sounds like. or your just not comfortable with it yet or something. jus finda dude u wont have a problem, maybe one that lets u be with chicks on the side

Confused on sexuality?

Yes, there is a world of difference between sexual attraction and being in a platonic relationship

Confused on sexuality?

i think .... there isn't real men around you.....i 've seen that kinda of question a lot now days .... and i believe it is damn wrong thing ...but i don't know is it because there is something wrong in females or it is just males lost there sex-appeal ....

any way when some bad idea strikes me in the head ...i challenge it .

so find a good man

Confused on sexuality?

For some, sexual preference is clear; for others, it's not so easy.

The thing to remember is this: thinking someone is hot (or cute, or whatever word you want to use) is not the same thing as loving someone. I'd say that this is what your response saying there's a difference between physical attraction and being in a relationship meant. To be in a relationship, you need to actually know the person, have strong feelings for that person, and be willing to work to merge your identity with that create a new identity which encompasses the two of you instead of having two separate people.

Your rocky feeling could be nervousness, it could be second-guessing yourself...or it could be jitters that she might not like you as much as you think you might like her. The only way to know for sure is to go out with her at least once. Give it a shot, and if it doesn't work out then at least you'll know it - and you'll know that you tried.

Sooner or later you're going to figure out just where you are on the sexual spectrum. Until then, don't freak out about it if you sway back and forth.

Like I said before: it's not all that easy for some to determine.

Confused on sexuality?

In The New Testament of The Bible, the book of Matthew, God gives your explanation. In lamens terms, "If a man lust after another woman, even in his mind, he has already committed adultery!"

Confused on sexuality?

It's anxiety and maybe even guilt. Society instills in us that being a lesbian or a bisexual is "wrong" and even though we may consciously reject that there's still this tiny part of us that believes that maybe it's true and that we're doing something wrong. Also, I happen to think (and I'm not alone; I think it was Kinsey who did a lot of research on this back in the 50's) that sexuality cannot be divided into three distinct categories. It kind of exists on a spectrum. I copied this from the Kinsey Institute website (I've cited it below):

0- Exclusively heterosexual with no homosexual

1- Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual

2- Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual

3- Equally heterosexual and homosexual

4- Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual

5- Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual

6- Exclusively homosexual

And yes, there's a difference between being physically attracted to someone and being in a relationship with that person. For example, maybe I could have sex with someone of the same sex b/c sex can be just sex and it feels good. But maybe I could never see myself falling in love with or even having feelings for someone of the same sex -- I only have romantic feelings for someone of the opposite sex. Does that make sense?

Confused on sexuality?

I am going to say something, but this is not out of hate or disrespect to others, this is just my personal opinion...I truly believe that God did not make Adam and Steve..He made Adam and is meant for a man and women to have sexual relations, not a girl on girl, or man on man....

like I said, just my feelings, not haten....Would still be friends with a guy or les...Have know some friends that way...just not my cup of tea...

Confused on sexuality?

Yeah of course sex and relationships are two different things. At least in the minds of most guys and some women. A guy can see someone as hot and as a sexual object, enjoy having sex with them and that's it.

That's why some people cheat and honestly mean it when they say it was nothing.

Relationships are all the emotional involvement and friendship. Sex can just be sex, pure physical pleasure without any further obligation or entanglement.

What you're feeling is lust and I have two slightly conflicting thoughts on it. One, be careful because their are plenty of dangerous idiots out there. Two, you're young and you should enjoy yourself, you only get a limited number of opportunities in a lifetime. In life people tend to regret the things they didn't do far more than the things they did do.

Confused on sexuality?

if you feel deep emtions for this person than you should go out with them and good luck

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