Monday, November 30, 2009

Boy drama!?

Ok so I'm 15... I friended this really hot guy who goes to my school on myspace and he REJECTED my friend request. It's just so awkwaerd because he does know me, just not THAT WELL. H'es 17, but he knew my older brother who is 20 and in college. He's "friends" with all these girls who dont even know him.

ok the reason i have a problem here is cuz I see him in the hall a lot and it will be so awkward!

What can I do because I'm mortified!!!

Boy drama!?

The same thing happened to me. The guy accepted it the second time. It could have been and accident. Now he comments on my pics and everytihng. He probably hit deny by mistake then since he barely knew you he just thought it was no big deal. He could be feeling the same way as you, embarrassed. Just talk to him. Dont be scared!

Boy drama!?

Just go about your life. He is probably not even thinking that he did anything wrong. He may have hit deny on accident. Even if he didnt... oh well. Ignore the situation. You are the only one that will make it worst for yourself.

Boy drama!?

The only thing u can really do is let it go. If he doesnt want a friendship- noone can really force him. I know it has to be totally horrable for you seeing him each and everyday BUT just let it go and when you see him in the hall still smile and say hi in passing. Just cuz he is being a snot doesnt mean you have to be. It could also be because he did know your brother and it just makes him feel weird.

Boy drama!?

Dude...chill! It's just myspace. Myspace is just another world. He might not have recognized you...or maybe he accidentally hit "deny" instead of "accept." Mistakes happen. Don't worry about it. He doesn't hate you. Yeah, just keep walking straight and keep your head up. If he talks to you, then talk to him...but don't run after him and try to talk to him. Just go with the flow.

Boy drama!?

It's MYSPACE!!!! He probably didn't want to be friends with you because he's joking around. Talk to him and ask him, don't be shy and be confident!

Boy drama!?

Well look on the brightside, its not like he rejected YOUR request. Your friend should be embarrassed not you. He'll probably forget by next week.

Boy drama!?

Be friendly and smile at him. When you get a chance to talk, be friendly and always demand respect. There isn't a need to be so scared, just wait for your chance.

Boy drama!?

he's seventeen honey. he's a little older and he's going to go for girls who a littlle older than that. so what i think you should do is just forget him or at least 4get going out with him. (yall can still be friends) ok sorry but if he rejected you on myspace that for than likely means that he doesn't like you at all.

how about you go look for some guy who likes you already and who is your age.

good luck sweet heart!

Boy drama!?

well if you have the guts to, you could always try again in a couple months?

Boy drama!?


Boy drama!?

its myspace.. dont worryy

Boy drama!?

simple, hold your head up high as if it hasn't affected you in the slightest, believe me it will work and you won't feel so awkward when you see him

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